For Schools

For Businesses

Skills Builder Impact Report 2022

November 20, 2022

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Skills Builder Impact Report 2022

One day, everyone will build the essential skills to succeed.

Progressing towards this goal, 2,367,463 opportunities to build essential skills were delivered this year by 851 partners.

Download full report here

Skills Builder

Skills Builder – A key partner of the Stoke Staffs Careers Hub.

Alignment between employment and education has been a critical part of our approach. It was captured most clearly when we launched the Skills Builder Universal Framework in 2020. Developed with partners including the CIPD, CBI, Gatsby Foundation, BITC and the Careers & Enterprise Company, the Framework broke down essential skills into steps which anyone could teach and assess on the path to mastery.

What Schools Say About Us

Being part of the Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire Careers Hub has been pivotal to the development of careers provision in our school. The Hub have shared good practice across their members resulting in a stronger focus on good quality provision. The annual event enabled the hub to share their vision of School Improvement Through The Lens of Careers and looking beyond the Benchmarks. It was a fantastic opportunity to share different models of school improvement and strategies to further develop careers provision to enhance the future opportunities of our young people.

Mrs A Spencer, John Taylor High School

What Businesses Say About Us

It it superb to be able to speak with local schools, colleges, and businesses in Stoke and Staffs and show how important the partnerships are to bring the skills of the future. Educating those who educate the ones shaping the aspirations of young people is essential for the industry to grow and be more sustainable.”

Alison Tucker, St Modwen