For Schools

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Maths Hub – Supporting Low Attainers (Free) – now until 13th June 2024


This is for teachers whose students will study up to Level 2 maths across secondary and post-16. Teachers of Years 10 and 11, and of GCSE Maths resit and/or Functional Skills Maths, will develop ways to support students who need to study maths beyond age 16 to achieve a L2 qualification.

Work Groups will focus on developing transferable teaching techniques aligned to teaching for mastery. Participants will attend three full-day workshops and complete practice-based tasks between sessions.




Booking Link







Booking Link




This is for teachers of GCSE Maths, and for those teaching GCSE Maths resit and/or Functional Skills Maths. Participants may be based in secondary schools, UTCs, FE colleges, Sixth Form colleges, school with post-16 provision, or other post-16 settings.


All Fully Funded by the Maths Hub Programme and is free to participating schools


Venue: Stoke on Trent College, Cauldon Campus, Stoke Road, Shelton. ST4 2DG


17/11/23, 1:00-4:30

8/12/23, 1:00-4:30

2/2/24, 12:30-4:15

8/3/24, 12:30-4:15 tbc

13/6/24, 9:30-4:00

What Schools Say About Us

Being part of the Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire Careers Hub has been pivotal to the development of careers provision in our school. The Hub have shared good practice across their members resulting in a stronger focus on good quality provision. The annual event enabled the hub to share their vision of School Improvement Through The Lens of Careers and looking beyond the Benchmarks. It was a fantastic opportunity to share different models of school improvement and strategies to further develop careers provision to enhance the future opportunities of our young people.

Mrs A Spencer, John Taylor High School

What Businesses Say About Us

It it superb to be able to speak with local schools, colleges, and businesses in Stoke and Staffs and show how important the partnerships are to bring the skills of the future. Educating those who educate the ones shaping the aspirations of young people is essential for the industry to grow and be more sustainable.”

Alison Tucker, St Modwen