For Schools

For Businesses

Careermap: Advice, Resources, Jobs, Articles

Welcome to Careermap


Explore apprenticeships, T Levels, work experience, and university options including interview prep and student life. We empower students to navigate their options with confidence. If you’re an educator, use Careermap to ignite career and qualification discussions and guide your students.


Relevant links to support you:


Careermap job board: Get the very best opportunities in Stoke & Staffordshire, we have over 500 opportunities. Search here. 


Careermag for School Leavers and Parents, Carers and Guardians: An essential resource for parents, schools, colleges, universities and career advisers. Dive into articles from experts and industry specialists as they spill the beans on job hunting, CV and interview tips, the application process, apprenticeships, internships, graduate schemes, and all the good stuff in between!


Sign up for Careermag for Parents, Carers and Guardians here (A great resource for Parents Evening and your Parent Newsletters)

Sign up to Careermag for School Leavers here (Great for form time and Careers Education classes, linking to the Gatsby Benchmarks)


CareermapTV: Inspire your students to consider all the pathways available, nurture their career development and foster essential skills and knowledge for success in the ever-evolving job market.


National Apprenticeship Week, National Work Experience Week and National University Week


Enable your students to dive into the real world, gain invaluable insights, and ignite their career journey! Whether they are considering work experience, apprenticeships, or university, join our weeks and hear firsthand from employers, uni admission teams, and students/apprentices themselves. Get your questions answered by the likes of JLR, Bentley, National Grid, PwC & more. Our events link to the Gatsby Benchmarks too!

What Schools Say About Us

Being part of the Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire Careers Hub has been pivotal to the development of careers provision in our school. The Hub have shared good practice across their members resulting in a stronger focus on good quality provision. The annual event enabled the hub to share their vision of School Improvement Through The Lens of Careers and looking beyond the Benchmarks. It was a fantastic opportunity to share different models of school improvement and strategies to further develop careers provision to enhance the future opportunities of our young people.

Mrs A Spencer, John Taylor High School

What Businesses Say About Us

It it superb to be able to speak with local schools, colleges, and businesses in Stoke and Staffs and show how important the partnerships are to bring the skills of the future. Educating those who educate the ones shaping the aspirations of young people is essential for the industry to grow and be more sustainable.”

Alison Tucker, St Modwen